Over the next several days, I’ll be publishing excerpts from the upcoming HealthQuant white paper entitled, “Digital Health Foundations: How the science of digital health in the 2010s is shaping the 2020s and beyond.” If you’d like to be notified […]
Medical Device
Has Seqster found the Holy Grail of health data? A conversation with Ardy Arianpour of Seqster
Today’s guest: Ardy Arianpour | Co-Founder and CEO of Seqster Greg and Ardy talk about the possibilities created by Seqster – the “Mint.com of health data.” Ardy Arianpour is CEO & Co-Founder of Seqster, a data-driven healthcare SaaS platform that seamlessly […]
How to unlock the value in understanding physician social networks – a conversation with Ryan Peeler of Voxx Analytics
Today’s guest: Ryan Peeler | Director of Network Analytics at Voxx Analytics Greg and Ryan discuss the one of the great gaps in the study of physician influence … a true, deep understanding of the networks in which they work. Important Links: […]
How One Drop is bringing comprehensive & data-driven diabetes management solutions to everyone – a conversation with Jeff Dachis
Today’s Guest: Jeff Dachis | Founder and CEO of One Drop Greg speaks with Jeff Dachis about the waste inherent in the diabetes marketplace, the lack of solutions for people with Type 2 diabetes, why a consumer-facing company has done so […]
Why data-driven diseases are ripe for patient-led initiatives – a conversation with Dana Lewis
Today’s Guest: Dana Lewis | Creator of the “Do-It-Yourself Pancreas System” (#DIYPS), founder of the open source artificial pancreas system movement (#OpenAPS), and a passionate advocate of patient-centered, -driven, and -designed research. Greg and Dana talk about data driven diseases and […]