Today’s guest: Kyle Robertson | CEO of NarrativeDX Greg and Kyle talk about how looking at quantitative patient survey feedback alone leaves a LOT on the table. By better analyzing unstructured patient feedback over time, hospitals and health systems have the […]
Digital Health
Why real estate isn’t necessarily the best way for hospitals to grow – A Conversation with Toby Cosgrove, MD of Google Health
Today’s guest: Toby Cosgrove, MD | Executive Advisor to Google Health; Former CEO of Cleveland Clinic Greg and Toby talk about the future of big tech in healthcare. As an executive advisor to Google’s healthcare initiatives and to his former […]
Why innovation is a MUST when treating the next generation – A Conversation with Margaret Laws of HopeLab
Today’s guest: Margaret Laws | CEO of Hopelab Greg and Margaret discuss the needs & expectations of children and adolescents as they relate to healthcare, and how current models of care are actively being challenged by organizations like HopeLab. Important Links: […]
Can genomics help focus scarce healthcare resources on the people who need it most – before they need it?
Today’s Guest: James Lu, MD, PhD | Co-Founder and SVP for Applied Genomics at Helix Greg and James talk about the importance of clinical quality sequencing personal genomics and consider the possibility of treating genetic testing as a foundational diagnostic, enabling […]
Unlocking value for the patient in the consumer genomics market – a conversation with Robin Thurston
Today’s Guest: Robin Thurston | CEO of Helix Greg and Robin break down the differences between genotyping and next-gen sequencing, how we move beyond genealogy-only use cases, and why that distinction is so important for impacting value for patients and consumers. […]
Hospitals’ secret weapon against competitors like Google and Amazon – A conversation with Carrie Liken of Yext
Today’s Guest: Carrie Liken | Head of Healthcare at Yext Greg and Carrie talk about the fact that healthcare companies already have incredibly rich data about their patients, but aren’t necessarily thinking about how to break down their internal information […]